Events & Other Useful Information

There is a unique event happening May 2024 in Salt Lake City. The event is a Comprehensive Therapy Program for Veterans with PTSD.  This type of program has been going on since the 1990's through the Upledger Institute and is typically done in Florida at the Upledger Institute.  This is the first time that it has been offered in Utah. We as Warriors' Peace are supporting the effort to have this event in Utah and are very excited to have this program available to veterans in Utah without requiring travel to Florida. The program is being offered through Integrative Intentions and Upledger Institute. We are raising funds to be used as scholarship money to help with tuition costs and to provide lunches during the program.

May 13 - 17, 2024 Salt Lake City, UT

  • More details coming!! Check back soon

History of CranioSacral Therapy Treating Veterans

In 1993 The Upledger Foundation embarked on a pilot project to test the efficacy of CranioSacral Therapy and its offshoot SomatoEmotional Release® in treating and restoring the quality of life to those suffering from PTSD. Six Vietnam veterans classified with severe cases of PTSD were tested. By program's end, each showed significant improvement.

In a subsequent 1999 program, Dr. Upledger and a team of therapists led 22 Vietnam veterans in a groundbreaking study using a protocol co-designed with the West Palm Beach Veterans Administration Medical Center. A post-program report by an independent licensed psychologist confirmed that the veterans experienced fewer symptoms by the conclusion of the program, most notably related to obsessive/compulsive behaviors, depression, lack of motivation, feelings of alienation, and total number and severity of general symptoms. More than a 95 percent correlation was noted between the improvements and the CranioSacral Therapy sessions the veterans received.

  • "After 2 tours in Iraq, I was only sleeping 4 hours a night (before the intensive). After CranioSacral Therapy I felt better. By the end of the week, I was getting 9 hours at a stretch. I felt more relaxed and able to focus." - Senior Chief GR


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